Marilyn Myers Home Page
Step by Step Instructions - Food
Arkansas Gazette
Directions for shaping Chinese pot stickers are pictured in five easy steps to give readers confidence and visual cues when creating them at home. Food styling and steps: Marilyn Myers
Arkansas Gazette
One story in three parts, though the popovers are the focal point. A main course and dessert complete the celebratory menu. Food and prop styling: Marilyn Myers
Marilyn Myers' Kitchen
Participation classes, emphasizing hands-on experience, ensured that students felt comfortable with new techniques. Tasting the results proved a positive testimonial. Detailed recipes went home with students.
Picnics, Running Press
In the recipes, some of the steps are optionsl (like butterflying a leg of lamb), especially if you're on friendly terms with the butcher. Quick tips include reminders, like don't forget serving utensils.
Marilyn Myers
111 South 15th Street, P108
Philadelphia, PA 19102
phone 203.536.2212
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